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This week's information and focus is on building an emergency kit. Emergency Kits, sometimes called disaster kits or survival kits, are an essential part of your emergency preparedness plan.
The links below offer guidance on building a kit and coping with an emergency that may disrupt services such as electricity, water, gas, internet, and phone.
Week 2: Build a Kit
Assembling an emergency kit ahead of time is one of the easiest things you can do to prepare for an emergency. A typical kit should contain enough food, water, and other important supplies to last for at least 72 hours.
Web Resources
- Basic emergency supply kit
- Suggested Food Supplies, Safety and Sanitation, Cooking, and Managing Food without Power.
- Determine Water Needs, Water Storage, and Water Treatment.
- FEMA’S Recommended Supplies to include in a kit.
- Prepare your car for an emergency.
Additional info and links
If you currently have a kit and would like us to take a look at it (evaluate for missing items, utility, etc.), please let us know to schedule a time to review it.
Here is a link of some recommended items to include in your supply kit as well as the Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water guide (2 pages) from the EPA. Recommended to keep a copy of this in your gear/pack and at home.
Link to a recording and handouts from a previous webinar on Disaster Planning and Preparedness by DJ Phalen, Director of Operations | Emergency Preparedness and Response Program. If you would like assistance building a kit for your home, office, and/or car or if you have any questions, please let us know.
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